The 8 Skincare Apps You Need to Download Today

These days, there’s an app for everything. We live in an age where apps can deliver rides, groceries, dog walkers, and beauty experts to your door with just a Jetsons-style touch of your screen.

11 Skincare Apps You Need to Download Today

The future is now, y’all! App popularity doesn’t show any signs of slowing down either. Research from a Nielsen study on mobile media usage found that users spend 89% of their time in apps rather than websites.

This is due, in large part to 2 factors:

1. As mentioned, apps can get really specific and zero in on the needs of consumers. They can be tailored to address a niche audience and fill a specific need for users that websites that are attempting to reach a wider audience cannot.

2. Straight-up convenience. Apps offer info, shopping, and the social media experience literally at your fingertips and usually for free. And, obviously, having a handy little square on your home screen is much more accessible than searching for a website.

So, why are we talking about apps?

Because amongst the multitude of helpful services and information offered through media, there are some noteworthy apps that can actually help you with skincare! With just a quick download, you can have access to customized regimens, advice, and even dermatologists to help you get your very best skin.
Today, I’m excited to share some apps that will revolutionize your skincare life!
1. RYNKL Have you ever wondered if an anti-aging product you’re using is actually working? The RYNKL app claims to be “your personal wrinkle doctor,” and tracks signs of aging on your skin using Artificial Intelligence and a series of algorithms to analyze and interpret changes in your face. When users take weekly - or daily - selfies, RYNKL will not only pinpoint existing lines and wrinkles, it will note areas where fine lines are starting to form to give you a heads up on areas that need a little TLC.
RYNKL1 It also gauges whether treatments you’re trying are actually working and charts your progress. This is super helpful since often times we’re so used to seeing our own face in the mirror that we can’t tell if a product is actually doing what it promises. This app is like an honest best friend that will tell you to keep it up or ditch that cream for something better.
Cost: Free Available for iPhone and Android  
2. I’m so excited to bring you my very own app! We’ve been working hard for the past year to redesign and improve my app, and I can’t wait for you to see it. One of my favorite features we offer is the FREE skincare analysis. All you have to do is answer a few questions about your skin and snap a quick photo (optional) using your phone, and we’ll do the rest. A licensed esthetician will review your info and respond - typically within 24 hours - with a skin analysis and recommendations for products that will get you on your way to your best skin! SkinCare by Alana AppMy handy app also connects you to our mobile site, blog and social media channels. Plus, you can shop all our great products right from your phone, and you’ll receive updates on all the newest items available!
Cost: Free Available for iPhone and Android  
3. Think Dirty No, not like that (get your mind out of the gutter). The Think Dirty app identifies and assesses any potentially risky or “toxic” ingredients in beauty and skincare products. The app was started by founder, Lily Tse, who wanted to avoid toxic ingredients and find safer alternatives due to a family history of cancer. As Tse puts it, Think Dirty “empowers and educates the consumer on the cosmetics industry by allowing them to make an informed decision on what products to purchase.” Think Dirty Simply use the app’s scanner on an item’s barcode, and Think Dirty will give you an easy-to-follow breakdown of the product’s ingredients and where they fall on a potential health hazard scale. It will also offer suggestions for “safer” product alternatives. I dare you to download this app and not immediately have fun scanning everything in your bathroom.
Cost: Free Available for iPhone  
4. Dermcheck If you’ve ever had a skincare question and didn’t have time to get to a dermatologist’s office (or don’t want to rely on the internet for answers, which you never should) then Dermcheck is for you! This app makes office visits super easy by connecting you with one of 26 certified dermatologists to answer all your questions. You can even submit photos of your skin concerns, and a dermatologist will review them, along with your medical history, and prescribe a plan for treatment. If it requires a prescription, they’ll submit it electronically and you can pick it up within a day! Dermcheck2
Dermcheck has dermatologists available 24 hrs a day, and they treat a variety of skin concerns including acne, eczema, rosacea, moles and more. While the download is free, a consultation will cost you $39.95, but it’s worth the convenience to talk to a skincare professional from your own home!
Cost: Free Available for iPhone and Android  
5. sunZapp As you may know, sun protection is the best way to keep your skin healthy and prevent signs of aging and damage. But how do you know when to reapply, or when to seek shade? Since I know you’re already wearing your daily SPF for everyday protection, sunZapp will help you avoid the burn when you’re out for a day of fun in the sun. sunzapp2 This app uses real-time weather forecasts and info provided by you about your skin type and planned activities to make suggestions for optimal sun protection. SunZapp even allows you to create up to five separate profiles, so all your family and friends can be protected! It times your UV exposure and sends you alerts and reminders when it’s time to reapply sunblock, so no more sunburns (and no more excuses)!
Cost: Free Available for iPhone and Android  
6. Hydration Reminders One way to make sure you maintain clear, healthy skin is to stay hydrated. When we’re dehydrated, it definitely shows on our skin in the form of fine lines, dark circles, and a dull complexion. ihydrate Both iHydrate (for iPhone and Apple Watch) and Water Drink Reminder (for Android) will help you figure out exactly how much water you need to drink, allow you to set hydration goals, and make sure you stay on track by sending you reminders to drink up. It even allows you to choose what you’re gulping since not all drinks are created equal when it comes to hydration. I’m not gonna lie, it’s super satisfying when you hit your daily hydration goal. Victory!
Cost: Free Available for iPhone (iHydrate) and Android (Water Drink Reminder)  
7. Sleepbot Another way to keep your skin looking its best is to get your beauty rest. A good night’s sleep helps reduce the appearance of puffy eyes and dark circles, and it gives your skin a chance to heal. But, we all know it can be tough to get a full 8 hours on the reg. SleepbotiOS The Sleepbot app logs your sleep time (there’s a sawing logs joke here somewhere), so you can know exactly how many hours you’re getting, or not getting. It can also record sound (for all you sleep talkers) and chart movement (for you tossers and turners), and uses info to assess your sleep cycles and determine the ideal time to wake you. It’s like having a mini sleep scientist on your nightstand.
Cost: Free Available for iPhone and Android  
8. Facetune Did you wake up to find the blemish fairy visited you overnight? No problem! While you’re taking steps to care for your skin, you can still post the perfect selfie in the meantime. The Facetune app lets you touch up everything from dark spots to dark circles. You can even whiten teeth, accentuate your dazzling eyes, or fill in spots of thinning hair. Fix minor blemishes, let your natural beauty shine, and post up flawless.   Facetune Cost: $3.99 Available for iPhone and Android

What about apps that claim to cure acne? Do they work?

Spoiler: No. A few years ago, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) fined two app developers, AcneApp for iPhones and Acne Pwner for Androids, that claimed their apps could treat acne. The developers alleged that blue and red light emitted from the user’s smartphone was supposed to kill acne-causing bacteria and stimulate collagen when held up to the user’s skin. The FTC found that the claims and studies the developers used to back them up were unsubstantiated and false. If you come across one of these apps, steer clear. As the saying goes, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Unfortunately, there’s no way to treat your acne with an app (not yet anyway).

In the meantime, here are some of my favorite products that actually will get the job done! bioelements Bioelements Spotless Cleanser Featuring Salicylic Acid 2%, this cleanser treats acne and prevents future breakouts by neutralizing bacteria while removing dirt and oil from skin. It also promotes skin’s healing and provides gentle exfoliation to stimulate new skin cell growth. This cleanser not only fights blemishes, it provides you with clear skin that lasts! RA Rhonda Allison Blemish Complex BPO RX This superpower spot treatment uses Benzoyl Peroxide to kill acne-causing bacteria and fight blemishes. It also calms, soothes, and hydrates skin to reduce inflammation for an even complexion. This formula will target acne so you’re left with smooth, clear skin! Image Image SkinCare Clear Cell Medicated Acne Lotion This amazing moisturizer harnesses the power of benzoyl peroxide to kill acne-causing bacteria and treats blemishes. Natural botanical ingredients also reduce redness and inflammation and soothe irritation. And, it provides hydration so skin is balanced and beautiful! serum Alana Mitchell Hyaluronic Moisture Boost Serum I created my serum to pack a hydration punch to skin! It includes hyaluronic acid to lock in skin’s moisture and reduce the appearance of fine lines. It also includes anti-inflammatory and calming ingredients, as well as nutrients, to promote healing, making it soothing for problematic skin! mineralair Mineral Air Cordless Airbrush If you prefer to have flawless looking skin IRL, you’ve got to try this airbrush makeup from Mineral Air. I tried it and loved it so much that I recently added it to my shop! This cordless system is far more convenient than traditional bulky sprayers, and it’s so easy to use. If you can use a can of hairspray, you can use this. It provides super lightweight, yet amazingly flawless coverage. And, it comes with three shades of foundation so you can fine tune and customize your perfect shade. Plus, it’s so quick you can literally do all your makeup in seconds and it leaves skin looking incredible.

Final Thoughts

There are so many great apps that can give us tips and advice for skin care. But, if you have any questions about a skin concern, don’t hesitate to talk to your doctor or dermatologist. Sometimes an app can’t take the place of good ol’ face-to-face health care. Whether you use an app or not, make sure you’re taking your best care of your skin, so it will be the best for you!


What are some of your favorite skincare apps? Share them with us in the comments section!

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